MEMOIR LOGO CONCEPT: The aleph and a Sufi mystic inspired my creation and design of the syzygy logo, which I initially based on the symbolism of the yin and yang.

But the concept expanded when I first saw the aleph in Judith Cornell’s    
Mandala Healing Kit, My inexplicable attraction to it led me to incorporate it into my logo before I knew what it meant. 

I later read that the “Aleph (the first letter of the sacred Hebrew alphabet) embodies the primordial, divine potential of the universe. ... Aleph contains all the universe’s potential and all of its emptiness   simultaneously. Aleph represents a dynamic process of movement from unity to diversity and back to unity,” Jennifer Judelsohn, Songs of Creation.

And the  mystic poet Rumi inspired me to use the fire and water concept after I read The  Question.  Here is an excerpt:  

“The presence is there in front of me. A fire on the left, a lovely stream on the right.

One group walks toward the fire, into the fire. Another toward the sweet flowing water.

No one knows which are blessed and which are not.

Whoever walks into the fire appears suddenly in the stream. 

A head goes under water, and that head pokes out of the fire.”

LOGO ART: Cropped fire and water images from Free Images

LOTUS LOGO: In spiritual and religious literature, “the lotus is a symbol for the macrocosm and the microcosm, the universe and man. The lotus represents the divinity of the cosmos as well as the divinity of man. 

The lotus is the center of the infinite, omnipresent consciousness which connects with the consciousness of the universe. Through the intuition, one of man’s divine gifts, the spiritual student can see the infinite, omnipresent consciousness as the lotus flower within himself.” 

LOTUS ART: Courtesy 
Homestead, my website service provider. (Temporary art while I design of my own lotus logo.)

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Based on the Jungian concept that the unconscious speaks to us through dreams, Jungian analysts often guide their patients through an exploration of the symbols and archetypes conveyed through their dreams in an effort to discover the core issues disrupting their patients from living happy, healthy, and productive lives. 

Jung on Dreams. This page compares Jung’s approach to dream interpretation by zeroing in on what the dream says, while Freud’s approach leads dreamers, by free associations, away from the dream, a distinction which ultimately led Jung to realize that God speaks directly to each of us through our dreams in a language unique to each psyche.  

Psychoanalysis. Jungian analysts often rely to a great extent on your dreams when they are trying to analyze a neurosis, reveal complexes, and understand what archetypes are activated when you are behaving in ways that seem contrary to your nature—or your best interest. For those who do not have access to a Jungian analyst, Jungian scholar and analyst Marie-Louise von Franz offers several rules of thumb.   

Dream AnalysisMy albeit amateur attempt to analyze a dream actually began a long-overdue healing process. When images of a pendulum, a fish, flood waters, and a blissful couple oblivious to it all beckoned to me from a painting and triggered the recall of dreams I had had ten years earlier, my psyche was obviously going to extremes to tell me something. 

Dream SymbolsPictures may be worth a thousand words, but symbols speak volumes in the language of your psyche. This page shows how different symbols may mean different things to different people. I also offer numerous tips that have helped me to improve dream recall and to improve the quality of my dream journal for future analysis. 
Jungian therapy often focuses on dream analysis  

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